Laluna i Saint George's

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Portici Beach, St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-0001
Latitude: 12.016519, Longitude: -61.776995
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Kommentar 5

  • Sajeeda Moulton

    Sajeeda Moulton


    Very good for relaxation , the spa is awesome , enjoyed my balinese massage .Scenery is beautiful.Food needs improvement . Overall great experience if relaxation and rejuvination is the aim

  • Nia Narine

    Nia Narine


    The food was good; great service. It’s also very romantic! Enjoyed my evening there.

  • Mahmoud Al-Abood

    Mahmoud Al-Abood


    Best Hotel in Grenada (better than Calabash IMO, I've tried both). Food can be improved, and a few things need to be tweaked to make this a top spot in the Caribean. Definitely one of the nicest beaches! Nice water, no one on the beach but hotel guests....

  • Char C

    Char C


    What can I say other than WOW! The view is spectacular. The pool is infinity and next to the beach. Our room has a private balcony and pool facing the ocean. The staff is so sweet and so friendly. We were greeted immediately upon our arrival outside by Tahira M who walked us to the outside tiki bar for a complementary welcome drink. The bar tender, Dwight was really sociable too. The restaurant food was delicious. We watched the absolutely beautiful sunset and then ate dinner. Room service was excellent. Rooms are very clean and relaxing. Complementary coffee, milk and water in frig. And chocolate on your bed. This is the place to stay for romance and relaxation.

  • Sherry Walters

    Sherry Walters


    The food here is fantastic. It was hot in the dining area, but cool by the bar. The staff is very friendly and the atmosphere is beautiful.

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