Calabash Luxury Boutique Hotel i Saint Georges

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L'Anse Aux Epines Beach, Saint Georges, Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4334
Latitude: 12.00301, Longitude: -61.7599343
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Kommentar 5

  • Carney James Turner

    Carney James Turner


    What an oasis of tranquillity. Forth visit to the island and first visit to Calabash. I will be back. I would think that this place offers some of if not the best food on Grenada. Wack in a ambience that makes you feel a bit like James Bond. Service and attention to detail thats understated yet commited. Then give it great design, lush outdoor spaces and a beach. What's not to love it's just charming, cool and very classy.

  • Giovanni Carlone

    Giovanni Carlone


    Cortesia e servizio davvero unico. Colazione servita al patio della suite

  • Дмитрий Скороходов

    Дмитрий Скороходов


    Good Wi-Fi , cocktails 10$, nice beach and service

  • Lisa Jane

    Lisa Jane


    A stunning hotel, we got married here in 2005 and couldn't have picked a better place. Everyone was amazing and it was a perfect day and overall stay.

  • Stefan Clausing

    Stefan Clausing


    Very good hotel and restaurant. I can highly recommend the daily changing Grenadian lobster special (48 USD) and the afternoon tea with sandwiches and cakes. Nice beach, quiet location and excellent service. Relatively high price (as almost everywhere in Grenada).

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