Mount Cinnamon Resort St Georges i The Lime

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The Lime, Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-4400
Latitude: 12.0205516, Longitude: -61.7689013
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Kommentar 5

  • Carney James Turner

    Carney James Turner


    Forth visit here now and it is never anything short of orgasmic. We are staying in cinnamon heights and this is the epic view at sunset. Floating around in the infinity pool looking at this can really help sort your head out. Staff are attentive in a non invasive style. This is a lovely island and this is a calm cool port within a stone's throw of the action. Everything you could want is here and they have a great section of the beach too where you can play lots of beach games or have a cocktail if your feeling like a dehydrated lizard. Highly recommend this place to stay, eat, sleep, relax and enjoy.

  • Maureen Bolwell

    Maureen Bolwell


    Possibly the best establishment in the whole of Grenada, or indeed the Caribbean. General Manager Mark has assembled a team that would put the Ritz to shame. For welcome and care it's difficult to fault. Great accommodation, excellent food, a cabana on the beach, and so many smiling faces. Thank you all for a wonderful break. Hopefully, we'll be back!

  • Jane Marlowe

    Jane Marlowe


    A beautiful setting overlooking Grand Anse, a 2 1/2 mile strip of white sand on the Caribbean. We had a sunny, well-appointed 3 room 2 bath villa with terrace, full kitchen and W/D. Full breakfast included, and the restaurants are excellent. Very laid back place with plenty of beach chairs to go around. There are several other restaurants and a supermarket within walking distance.

  • Flavijo Novina

    Flavijo Novina


    If you are looking for a place where you have a great view, where the staff take the time to know you and make you feel so special then this is a place you should definitely consider staying at. The food at their restaurant is fantastic and there are no worries about the tap water.. All safe to drink. The breach bar Savvy's a great place by the beach to get a good bite to eat and get a cocktail to sip on while relaxing on the beach. Always a place to relax and the beach / ocean was amazing. Only challenge we had was the water pressure and hot water, but after a short wait it was fine. It would be nice if this was corrected but not that big of a deal when you are at such a beautiful place. Its a very safe island and traveling by taxi or city bus was not a problem at all to get around if you like to explore on your own. There is a short walking distance to a small mall, restaurants and grocery store if you are looking to purchase some groceries as the villas have a kitchen for your culinary needs. Highly recommended!

  • christhian marcano

    christhian marcano


    bella isla

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