Kalinago Beach Resort i Saint Georgeʼs

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Morne Rouge Bay, Locally Known As BBC Beach, Saint Georgeʼs, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-5254
Hjemmeside: www.kalinagobeachresort.com
Latitude: 12.021052, Longitude: -61.771846
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Kommentar 5

  • claire cerame

    claire cerame


    Room just ok. Poor lighting. Very small beds made it impossible to sleep in same bed with my husband.Broken door lock made it extremely difficult to enter room. Reception friendliness just so so. Mostly unhelpful. Restaurant terrible service and even worse food. There were six in our party. Lunch took 1 hour to arrive. Dinner was atrocious and worse than lunch. 5 of 6 dinners came out at same time and sixth came out as everyone else was finishing. Bar tender at pool unfriendly and walked by us multiple times to serve local patrons who came up after us. Never again.

  • Cecil Gaye

    Cecil Gaye


    Excellent staff. Good food. Television service though could need upgrading.

  • Carmen Harris

    Carmen Harris


    Excellent Chef who did amazing food in the Fidelis restaurant! Really lovely staff, Esther really made us welcome on our first evening meal.

  • Bertha Rudder

    Bertha Rudder


    Husband and myself visited from 3/14 to 3/12/18 for relaxation and that's what we received. Beautiful beach comfortable rooms and most of all the friendliest people. Yes the hotel is a little dated but is kept clean. The only downfall I had was very very limited access to restaurants if you did not want to at the very few on the property, nothing in the surrounding area if you want to leave the property you would definitely have to take a $16 each way taxi ride there and back there's no walking. Other than that I would like to visit again for the serene peace and quiet just have to remember to bring lots of snacks next time. Oh and had to give a shout out to Greg our driver who took us on a half day tour of the island which is so beautiful the mountains waterfalls different cities museums etc. Look him up he gave us a lot of insite of St George. The price was very reasonable and would definitely be visiting again.

  • Bill Schaefer

    Bill Schaefer


    While definitely not luxurious amenities, we LOVED our stay at Kalinago while visiting our son at St George's white coat ceremony. The mostly private beach was fantastic and we preferred it's slower pace than Grande Anse. The price was right, staff was very nice and helpful, and the nearby restaurants we're great. Definitely have the fresh fish salad at the Plywood Bar. Only drawback was it is not walking distance to shops and attractions, but taxis aren't too expensive

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