Happy Hill Secondary School i Happy Hill

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Happy Hill, Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-2484
Latitude: 12.0912814, Longitude: -61.7543381
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Kommentar 5

  • Tyron Noel

    Tyron Noel


    That's my school I go to know and I was there wen d boy got stabbed but the school is nice idc wat people say about the school it's my best school in Grenada

  • Khadija So Cool

    Khadija So Cool


    The school is a great school but the children that are there one girl killed a boy named alex Gabriel in the neck with a knife cause she got aggressive then this year a boy stabbed a boy for a juice just a juice his name is zibon Jeffrey rest in peace zibon u didn't deserve to die over a juice u knew my big brother very well I barely knew you but rest in peace

  • Zainab Phillip

    Zainab Phillip



  • Neia James

    Neia James


    The best school every I regret I had to live happy hill made me the person I am today and I will forevery be happy that I attend the best school in Grenada

  • Alexandria Williams

    Alexandria Williams


    it was the greatest pleasure to attend the HHSS, my Alma Mater.

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