Pizza Hut i Saint George's

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St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-5566
Latitude: 12.052616, Longitude: -61.7497978
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Kommentar 5

  • Nigel James

    Nigel James


    Very slow but my son loves the pizza so...

  • Gerald Rothaus

    Gerald Rothaus


    Bleh. Slightly better than most here, like Rick's, the Italian guy who is where the big fish used to be, and more (or less, lol). Nice that it was delivered, but $75ec?

  • Jorge Quiros

    Jorge Quiros


    These people are special.. in a bad way... I call their number (confirmed by google maps and the people that work there) and they answer the phone by saying "PIZZA HUT GRAND ANSE..." I subsequently place my order. They tell me that pick up time is about 20 minutes. I say OK, thank you. 20 minutes later, I walk in to the PIZZA HUT in GRAND ANSE, and say "I'm here to pick up an order..." They proceed to tell me that the order was placed and prepared in the Downtown St. George /Carenage location... puzzled, I look around, and wonder.... how could I actually expect a seamless experience in Grenada, even when ordering a pizza? So for future customers (myself included) because, let's face it there aren't many other options around, confirm (probably multiple times) with the kind lady or gentleman that takes your phone order which (out of the TWO, yes only TWO) location your pizza will be waiting for you. This is an avoidable tragedy.

  • Jillaun Mitchell

    Jillaun Mitchell


    The food taste great my only problem was waiting to get the food

  • Roshan Bagga

    Roshan Bagga


    Worthless organization that never has what they advertise on their menu. To top it off their customer service is horrendous and they give you attitude instead of pizza. I’ve literally been told that I can’t get my order because they don’t have medium or large sizes. What are you even selling then?! This franchise is a stain on the brand of Pizza Hut.

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