Grooms Beach Villa & Resort i St. George's

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St Georges University, St. George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-7666
Latitude: 12.013189, Longitude: -61.77834
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Kommentar 5

  • Janet Thompson

    Janet Thompson


    homely atmosphere felt at home but a bit out of the way for tourist who don't know grenada

  • Amy Ramk

    Amy Ramk


    Absolutely loved staying here, friendly staff and the hotel is well kept and clean. My only turn off was the lack of vegetarian food available for breakfast.

  • Danielle Svancara

    Danielle Svancara


    Hotel: 4 stars. Location: 2 stars. Beach: 5 stars Hotel (4 stars): stayed 6 nights and found clean rooms, nice pool, and the staff was fine (quiet and hard to find, but not rude). Restaurant and bar were never open, which was frustrating when nothing else was around without driving or taking a taxi. There were several instances of the gate being locked from coming back from the beach, staff hard to find, and the pool closing down for the whole day for cleaning that made it feel like the hotel was not really open during our stay even though we were not the only guests. The rooms have an open like window that's a screen and some shutters which allows you to hear the outside as is you had your window open. When the noises are rain, frogs, birds it's really quite pleasant... Location (2 stars): hotel is directly next to a loud outdoor bar that is made worse by those open windows that can't muffle the bumping sounds of crappy bands and club music playing into the wee hours of the night (2-3am). After the first night, which was a Saturday, we asked the manager about the noise and she just said, "the old skool pub had a party." wanting clarification, I asked how often? She said weekends. Ok, I thought, we are only here one weekend and that's it... Nope! Wednesday night they had another party. So, although this hotel is near the beach (see below for more details) and close the airport with a nice facility, the bar next door was a huge issue for us as we wanted a restful, relaxing and QUIET vacation. Beach (5 stars): Hotel is located near two wonderful beaches just a short walk away... The first is straight down the road where the old beach house restaurant resides and was our favorite beach on the island by far! It's shared with the guests at laluna, but most days the beach was completely empty. We liked the area right in front of the old restaurant under the palm trees for shade and swimming near the rocks was fun. On days where the waves were calm, you could snorkel and see some nice coral and small fish. The second beach was very similar except that it was a little rockier and harder to swim, but had lots of shells to look for. To get to this beach you head down the road and then go left on the dirt road and follow that down some stairs.

  • Gillian Woodruff

    Gillian Woodruff


    Secluded beach with lovely views. There are lots of shade trees and a few benches. A great little beach for spending time with friends and family.

  • Christine Felix

    Christine Felix


    Coyaba is a great place to stay. Staff are wonderful, facilities and food excellent for a 4 star. Recommend for adults- couples and singles not very much for children to do other than pool and beach. Will be going back later this year.

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