Gem Holiday Beach Resort i Saint George's

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St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4224
Latitude: 12.0211746, Longitude: -61.771861
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Kommentar 5

  • Russell Carre

    Russell Carre


  • Claudius Ferris

    Claudius Ferris


    I travelled to Grenada on a whim, but it was one of my best trips to the Caribbean. Thanks mostly to the accommodations of Gem. I stayed here for a few days in May and it was better than I expected. Suites were very spacious and clean, it also had a full kitchen and a living room. Thank you, Lorraine from housekeeping for making sure the place was cleaned everyday and accommodating my every wish. Also Delma from the front desk was simply the best. One late night she called about 10 different taxis to get me a ride to a concert. Will definitely be back in the future. Thank you Gem.

  • Rob Smartson

    Rob Smartson


    Great location and that's what you pay for I guess. Not sure how it compares to other places on the island. It's certainly clean and staff is friendly. But it's certainly not worth $160 a night on it's own. We don't even have a place to put a bar of soap in the shower. Not a bad place to stay certainly and it's right on the beach not not a long drive from the airport, although it's a bit out of the way. If you're driving watch out for the road leading down from the main road (I think the main road is called Quarantine) it's in bad shape and very narrow!

  • Ivan Strugatsky

    Ivan Strugatsky


    Nice family place next to a great practically empty beach

  • Natalie Hawkins

    Natalie Hawkins


    Great place to stay in Grenada, clean, friendly staff, comfortable beds! A beautiful beach and great food! In walking distance from Dive Grenada and the Mall.

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