Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception i Saint George's

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St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-2999
Latitude: 12.0534697, Longitude: -61.7521345
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Kommentar 5

  • Niels Freckmann

    Niels Freckmann


    Intressante Architektur mit imposantem Turm.

  • Yvette Spivock

    Yvette Spivock


    This is one of the landmarks one sees as one pulls into the cruise port. We felt we had to hike up to it, and a hike it was, up the very steep hill. Cars barrel down the streets and there aren't sidewalks or even much room to get out of the way, so be aware as you climb. Inside we learned that the church had recently been restored, and after the hustle and bustle of the streets and cars and people, it was a peaceful respite from the outside world. They did a beautiful job, and the prime real estate on top of the hill afforded wonderful picture taking opportunities. A good destination to encourage a bit of a workout, with a quiet place to catch your breath at the end.

  • Andrew Barnard

    Andrew Barnard


    Sunday Mass at 8am,all are welcome

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic Church and it sits on a hill in St. George's the capital city in Grenada. The church is visible from many points in and around the city and is an integral part of the cityscape. This highly prominent landmark is quite visible and I could see it in the distance and know how to reach it by walking which involved some inclines. The picturesque views from the Church are indeed Spectacular and breathtaking. I found that The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception was indeed an interesting point of interest and that the historical and architectural features were noteworthy. My visit was indeed fruitful and after catching my breath I was able to enjoy the great experience of visiting the church.

  • Anthony J. Commisso Sr.

    Anthony J. Commisso Sr.


    I was visiting sandals resorts as a travel agent. I got up Sunday morning part from the rest of the group and took a cab in to town so I could be there for the 8:00 a.m. Mass. You figured it out I'm a devout Roman Catholic to have to go to all the effort to leave a gorgeous resort so that I could go to Mass. It was a wonderful experience and well worth the effort and cost to get there. Father Anthony is homily was awesome. The parishoners c are so loving, so welcoming abd full of the Holy Spirit. It was a truly refreshing Catholic Mass experience. The building is beautiful and it is in great condition especially when to so many others I've seen on other islands.

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