St. George's Parish Church i Saint George's

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Church Street, Saint George's, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1-473
Latitude: 12.0515284, Longitude: -61.7523057
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Kommentar 1

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The St. George's Parish Anglican (Episcopal) Church is located on Church Street, Saint George's, Grenada. The renovation and restoration work done on this rather important and historically significant edifice will extend its useful life. The Parish Church with the neighbouring school plays a very important part in the community and stands as a beacon on a hill for all to see. I was struck by the beauty, historical significance and the charm of the outstanding edifice. The distinctive tall rectangular steeple in the facade of the building and the general architectural features gave the impression of it being a historical church and a noteworthy one at that. A landmark in the city and a point of reference point in traversing the area. The well kept grounds and building with onsite parking is a definitely worthwhile place of interest for anyone in Grenada.

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