St. George's University i True Blue

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University Centre Grenada, West Indies, True Blue, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4175
Latitude: 12.0004108, Longitude: -61.7737202
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Kommentar 5

  • Maxwell Okoth

    Maxwell Okoth


    The best Veterinary University

  • R Lee

    R Lee


    R Lee's profile photo R Lee I sat through the first week of med school there with my daughter. Lectures were good enough for American standards. Faculty was not superb but adequate. Do not expect too many Nobel laureates there. The anatomy lab was very poor. It did not provide a physiology lab with life animals. At UCSF 4 students dissect a cadaver. There a thousand students share two. My daughter finished tops and entered SUNY Buffalo for internal medicine and USC for Hem/Onc. She spent her last two years at various U.S. teaching hospitals. They were typically small community programs. By law they were all "University-affiliates", but teaching was poor by real university standards. They typically did not have a full complement of all specialties. Most of them were programs filled by foreign grads. Beware of the bleak statistics. It is not as roseate as depicted in a NY Times article. Her year had 1200 students on day 1, and only 420 sat for graduation, of which 120 were accepted for residencies in the U.S. Twenty were lucky and good enough to be matched with university programs. What happened to the other 800 students. Now they have to pay off so much in debt. Think twice before you go. Are you really good enough? Sit-in a med school class at your local med school to get a taste. Could you handle an academic load that is twice as heavy as undergrad and do well? You might only have time to read through all the material once before exam. Are you dedicated enough to study all time, meaning besides class time, bed time, meal time, and bathroom time? Are you emotionally mature enough to fight off loneliness, boredom, and depression, while maintaining your objective and stay focused? I am grateful for the second chance offered to my daughter who was dumb and stupid to apply for California med schools only, and thought she was good enough, but only ended up on the waiting lists at USC and UCLA. She should have waited for another year and reapply. I happily paid $300,000 to "buy" her medical education. The above is an honest opinion.

  • Bradley Frank

    Bradley Frank


    This is just a shell company moving money around. Same thing with Ross medical school. Natural disasters and “Acts of God” like hurricanes all depend on where you decide to build your civil buildings. Special thanks to James Brady for helping me to decipher cause and effect. Also, thank you Puerto Rico 🇵🇷.

  • Marcus Christopher

    Marcus Christopher


    Outstanding education and superb atmosphere.

  • Sam Philly23

    Sam Philly23


    it's a university. good.

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