Spice Isle Retreat Spa & Salon i Saint George's

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Lagoon Rd, Port Louis, St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-231-6167
Hjemmeside: www.spiceisleretreat.com
Latitude: 12.043402, Longitude: -61.749949
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Kommentar 5

  • Jamal Billy

    Jamal Billy



  • Karen Stiell

    Karen Stiell


    Full Service Spa with excellent customer service. Spice Isle Retreat lives up to its name as being truely a retreat and escape from daily stresses. From their relaxing massages to their expert advice on hair styles, cuts and colours, everyone at Spice Isle Retreat gives professional advice and top quality service. Definitely recommend this spa. You will not be disappointed.

  • Barbara Bramson

    Barbara Bramson


    This hair salon and beauty spa is amazing! I have been using their services regularly over the last 2 years or more and their therapies and therapists are truly outstanding. Lovely atmosphere and professionalism. Highly recommended.

  • Michelle Japal

    Michelle Japal


    One of the worst place very poor customer service called and askif l have to make an appointment was told no they have alot of spot available when l got there was told they won't be able to do my pedicure and I was ask where I normally do my pedicure and how much l normally pay to get it done I said to the woman all that too I was very much offended in the end l told her l was going elsewhere l called and ask to speak to the person in charge because she was the one that told me I could come she had nothing good to say to me never felt so bad in my life I was made to feel as if I had no money to pay but I went to Nivana very good service l would recommend there to anyone

  • Jessy Epstein

    Jessy Epstein


    Beautiful spa, friendly staff, very clean. Loved the peaceful music.

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