Sandals Grenada i St. George's

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Pink Gin Beach, St. George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-437-8000
Latitude: 12.007809, Longitude: -61.794344
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel Cieslinski

    Daniel Cieslinski


    Awesome place to get pampered, relax and get away. 100% all inclusive and no tipping allowed. You have a beach, quiet pool and a very active entertaining pool. Great restaurants, coffee shop and other amenities. Perfect get away!

  • Meagan Jefferson

    Meagan Jefferson


    My husband and I were gifted our honeymoon to Grenada... and it was by far one of the best gifts we ever received. The island was absolutely beautiful, of course. And the resort was so clean, well maintained and managed, fun, and the food was delicious. But it was the service we received from all of the servers, waiters, and staff that put the icing on the cake. They were AMAZING and so helpful.

  • Dave Barrett

    Dave Barrett


    This was our first Sandals experience and we loved it. The staff at this resort are super friendly and the restaurants are excellent. We stayed in the Pink Gin Beach area which was nice as we were close to both the ocean and pool. Special thanks to our concierge, Ashley. Her prompt and helpful service helped make our vacation extra special.

  • Robert Calley

    Robert Calley


    Came here for our honeymoon and had a BLAST! Amazing food, service and fun! Also, very romantic. We had a beautiful candle light dinner on the beach and we will never forget it. The rooms are gorgeous , very large , and clean. Would recommend it to anyone going on a honeymoon, celebrating an anniversary, or just looking for a fun couples get away.

  • Joey



    Visited here for my honeymoon and we loved it. Best sandals that we’ve been to yet. Large beach area and more relaxed pool on one side and then the “party” pool on the other side of the resort. Nice bar for late night and the “living room” is a large area for events at night. Definitely recommend visiting.

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