Movie Palace i The Lime

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Grand Anse Main Road, The Lime, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-6688
Latitude: 12.0184785, Longitude: -61.7585752
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Kommentar 5

  • Curtley Collymore

    Curtley Collymore


    Always love going there especially on 2 for 1 Wednesday night's.

  • Marcus Christopher

    Marcus Christopher


    This cozy and comfortable little spot holds three viewing cinemas. Two of them hold about 120 while the third hold about 70 persons. Friendly staff greet you with warm smiles and management tries never to forget a recurring guest. The concession stand has a limited offering but the Hot Dogs and buttery popcorn are always worth the wait. Two of the larger cinemas offer 3D viewing experience and because of the intimate size setting, you almost feel as if you can touch the action on the screen in front of you. They also seem to gain early access for most new releases so you would hardly have to worry about spoilers and leaks from social media.

  • Nia Narine

    Nia Narine


    The place gives us an amazing family friendly outing! Absolutely love!

  • Lydris Brizan

    Lydris Brizan


    Love love love movie palace. My kids and I enjoy the comfort of the theaters and the welcoming staff.

  • Tushar Jain

    Tushar Jain


    This is the only "multiplex" of Grenada. Hence they're isn't really much to complain about. They generally have majority of latest Hollywood movies. Once in a while they put Bollywood movie too, though I would personally prefer, they do it more often. The options of snacks is average. Hall size is also very small, nothing like the ones you have back in India. I also found the prices to be on a bit higher side

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