Maurice Bishop International Airport i True Blue

Åben kort
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Maurice Bishop Memorial Highway, True Blue, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4555
Latitude: 12.004167, Longitude: -61.786111
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Kommentar 5

  • Amal Prazad

    Amal Prazad


    They are nice people. However, they are very hard to hear.

  • Bob St John

    Bob St John


    Stopped there during a cruise (Oct. 1983); very nice island to invade.

  • Nia Narine

    Nia Narine


    Small but beautiful airport. Service isn’t 100% good but it’s durable.

  • Sam Philly23

    Sam Philly23


    nice, basic airport. friendly staff. clean environment. tourist oriented.

  • Tushar Jain

    Tushar Jain


    Nice and basic airport. The staff is very friendly and always ready to help. Then visitors can go till the security to see off. Nice view of the runway from Waving Art Gallery. One should visit this gallery while at the airport. It is a small air-conditioned hall will ample seating. Besides, Its one of a kind experience watching the flights land or take off.

Nærmeste Lufthavn:

International airport

Maurice Bishop Memorial Highway
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