Lavo Lanes i Calliste

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Maurice Bishop Memorial Highway, Calliste, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-5286
Latitude: 12.0091414, Longitude: -61.772602
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Kommentar 5

  • Reuben Courtenay

    Reuben Courtenay


    The food is tasty, service is OK, bowling is fun, environment is clean.

  • Sajeeda Moulton

    Sajeeda Moulton


    Lavo lanes - fun place to eat , meet and greet! Not to mention bowling! Very good service and food is also palatable.

  • Tushar Jain

    Tushar Jain


    Lively place. Usually crowded on weekends. Opens only at 4 pm. There is a restaurant on the first floor, though it has nothing much to offer for vegetarians. In the bowling zone, the shoes they provide are getting worn out. The lady behind the counter was handing out scotch tapes since the laces were missing. We ordered fries while on the lane, but they were half cooked. Other than that the lanes are relatively new and balls are also sufficient for every player. Since there is no other option in Grenada for bowling, i will rate the overall playing experience as good, but not for the food.

  • Candy Gay-ah-deen

    Candy Gay-ah-deen


    Absolutely a must go to... open sun to sun .. drinks are great and reasonably priced. We brought calamari .. it was good. There are four pool tables and four lane bowling alley. The ambiance was really nice. They opened in 2017.

  • Elena Dick

    Elena Dick


    My first bowling experience ever... Very clean atmosphere, nice background music, helpful staff... There is also a bar, area to shoot pool. Seating by d bowling area is quite nice also... Didn't regret it...

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