Fit for Life Medical Services i The Lime

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Morne Rouge, The Lime, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-406-3488
Latitude: 12.0220035, Longitude: -61.762021
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Kommentar 3

  • Luis Enrique Rodríguez Francés

    Luis Enrique Rodríguez Francés


  • Sue Alexander

    Sue Alexander


    The only place in Grenada that offers the services of a very experienced Acupuncturist, Dr. Luis E. Rodriguez Frances, who is also a registered GP. Acupuncture is my choice for dealing with health problems, rather than taking medication which often has unwanted and unpleasant side-effects. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy which seeks to restore the balance of Yin (female force) and Yang (male force), the imbalance of which is believed to cause diseases and ailments. This is accomplished by the insertion of special, very thin needles, the tips of which are inserted into the patient's skin at points along meridian lines, specific to the disease or illness being treated. Don't think because needles are involved the treatment is painful. Most times the patient is unaware that a needle has been inserted and the process can be quite relaxing. I am currently undergoing acupuncture for a circulatory problem mainly in my left leg, ankle and feet which has made walking extremely difficult and painful. I have had three sessions so far and can see a distinct improvement in my condition. I would most certainly recommend Dr. Frances to others.

  • Kara St. Bernard

    Kara St. Bernard


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