Eco Dive, Grenada Blue i Morne Rouge

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Morne Rouge, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-7777
Latitude: 12.023886, Longitude: -61.761859
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandy Grogan

    Sandy Grogan


    Excellent instruction and great people, very helpful - wonderful dives

  • Robin Khariuk

    Robin Khariuk


    This company reliably provides a high standard of friendly service, and is the best team I have found to dive with in Grenada. The staff are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what they do, and make use of a wide range of dive sites.

  • Kyle Schaf

    Kyle Schaf


    Great DMs, captains, and staff.

  • Juan J Dume P

    Juan J Dume P


    Amazing place the people are super cool even helped charge my GoPro, Inexpensive compare to other places I've been on 100% recommended

  • Emily Turitto

    Emily Turitto


    Best place on earth to have fun at! Amazingly nice humans, and awesome boats, and it's just fun!!

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