Blue Horizons Garden Resort i Saint George's

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Morne Rouge, St George's, Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4316
Latitude: 12.020459, Longitude: -61.765613
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Kommentar 5

  • Beverly Peters

    Beverly Peters


    Am an employee blue horizon is a beautiful place am proud to be a part of the family because the staff are treated as family here welcome to blue horizon grease resort

  • Junior Williams

    Junior Williams


    This place is very nice lovely guest nice customers service every one should come visit

  • Jim Krigbaum

    Jim Krigbaum


    Great off the beach villa resort. Owner pride shows in quality and service

  • Gillian Woodruff

    Gillian Woodruff


    Outside guests are welcome at the restaurant, which has a pool and a playground for kids. The ambiance is carefully crafted with beautiful tropical gardens and tasteful sculpture and water features. The staff is friendly and attentive. The food is fancy and gives a delicious taste of the spice isle. We had a really lovely time at the poolside bar and grill restaurant.

  • Ian Elder

    Ian Elder


    Excellent home away from home in Paradise. Family run small resort with self catering facilities and fine dining restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lovely garden setting around pool and suites set on hillside. Bar lunches and dinners available. Staff exceedingly friendly and helpful. 5 minutes walk from a 2 mile long beach and 10 minutes walk from mall with supermarket, bank, pharmacy, cafes.

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