B. Thomas & Sons Car Rental In Grenada i True Blue

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True Blue, Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-3309
Hjemmeside: www.bthomasandsons.com
Latitude: 12.00936, Longitude: -61.765141
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Kommentar 5

  • Tushar Jain

    Tushar Jain


    Horrible experience. Would not recommend for anyone. We had to take our money back. We had booked a 7 seater for a day. We were 6 adults and 2 five year old. First when we went to collect the vehicle, it took us almost 2 hours for the entire process. The vehicle was neither clean nor the doors worked. The lock of 1 side door was broken and the other one only opened from inside! We would not have taken the vehicle, if we had not made further arrangements. We complained to the owner and he promised to give us some discount, once we are back. So we went ahead with our trip. As soon as we reached one of the so many blind turns of Grenada, I wanted to honk, but found that it doesn't work! The ordeal did not end. We had planned to go to Welcome stone which is almost north of the island, in the afternoon. As the vehicle neared the destination, the vehicle completely died out on the slope! That is when it was on full accelerator and L gear! I had to put the gear on parking so that the vehicle does not roll down. Once, I did that the gear completely got stuck! It was one hell of a harrowing 2 hour experience and helpfulness of a couple of local smaritans, that we managed to roll the car back down. We drove back somehow and reached our place by 9 at night. Next morning we we to give the vehicle, and that's when we actually got very irritated. The owner was giving all kinds of lame excuses that its not his vehicle but his friend's, and that we should have returned the vehicle at night itself! He also was trying to put the blame that we had put the scratches on the door. Thankfully we had taken photos before collecting the vehicle, which proved that they were old scratches! After a lot of haggling we managed to get 50% of our money back. More than money, it was the horrible experience which we would never forget and would not recommend anyone to rent a vehicle with them.

  • sally duckworth

    sally duckworth


  • Candy Gay-ah-deen

    Candy Gay-ah-deen


    If your a tourist... Do not go here... When we got there... A person was getting his money back... Why cause the car they wanted to give was crappy old. Guess what we got it!!! There was no rear view mirror and the side mirror cracked. Power steering was off and the car kept shutting down. Then we returned it the day after and the jeep did better but still was crappy. Go to known car rentals like hertz

  • Daniel Parrott

    Daniel Parrott


    Decent rental agency. Older used vehicles in shabby condition for rent at not much of a price saving. Hard to find the office. Went with another place later on in the trip and got a newer model vehicle for about 10 usd more a day. Definitely shop around.

  • Mike Walker

    Mike Walker


    Perhaps the first time I've ever enjoyed renting a vehicle. Simple contract, vehicles in decent condition and generally prompt and diligent service. Would certainly use them again.

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