ACE Hardware i St. George's

Åben kort
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Maurice Bishop Memorial Highway, St. George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-5090
Latitude: 12.0138741, Longitude: -61.7596656
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Kommentar 5

  • Cyril Poissonnet

    Cyril Poissonnet


    Friendly and helpful staff. Some boat related hardware reasonably priced.

  • Sir Smith

    Sir Smith


    Good service reps know their product and location. And staff I encountered we're polite

  • Marcus Christopher

    Marcus Christopher


    Staff are very knowledgeable and prices are attractive. Opening hours are a plus here.

  • StuckonStyrene



    I am pleased with Ace Hardware, not only are they close to my house, but the prices are competitive to almost anyone out there. The people are knowledgeable, and helpful. If they don't know, they will find out. Very good and very pleased. ;)

  • Frode Hansson

    Frode Hansson


    The assortment was ....a little limited. But what to expect on this little island. I managed to put together what I needed to make a cable to run the AC on my boat. The service was good and the staff knowledgeable and helpful.

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