Spiceland Mall i The Lime

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The Lime, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-439-4507
Hjemmeside: spicelandmall.com
Latitude: 12.0214356, Longitude: -61.7614999
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Kommentar 5

  • caidell bernard

    caidell bernard


    Always a pleasant atmosphere to visit. Wonderful stores and food Marts.

  • Guy Treves

    Guy Treves


    Coffee bar open since at least 8. RBTT bank. Digicel and Flow stores for new phone subscriptions. IGA and its neighbor hardware store carries everything that you may have forgotten to bring from home. There's typically enough parking for your own car, or take one of the buses coming from the university

  • Jorge Garcia

    Jorge Garcia


    Pequeño pero con todo lo básico. El mejor de la isla

  • Gillian Woodruff

    Gillian Woodruff


    A great place for tourists and locals alike. There is a lovely art gallery, bookstore, glasses shop, and of course the IGA grocery store is open Sundays, which is huge. The sugar and spice ice cream shop is a wonderful place for local ice cream, including flavors you won't find just anywhere (like nutmeg.) The building itself has AC and security. Don't come here barefoot in your bathing suit though, even though it's right near the beach.

  • Rob Smartson

    Rob Smartson


    Convenient to our hotel. Good grocery store somewhat more expensive then a typical grocery on the island. Sugar and Spice Ice Cream was a great place for a snack as well. Otherwise it's not much of a mall.

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