SOG Foods i Saint George's

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🕗 Åbningstider

St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-443-4225
Latitude: 12.0163155, Longitude: -61.7185568
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Kommentar 5

  • Gerald Rothaus

    Gerald Rothaus


    Prices are a little high, people very nice. Off variety of stuff. Really good Ice cream and beer selection

  • Nigel James

    Nigel James


    Very convenient with a wide selection of goods but the veggie section sucks.

  • Pzy Pro

    Pzy Pro


    Open from very early to very late every day of the week including all major holidays that I noticed. The only store that does that. They have some of pretty much everything and also quite a few things that I haven't seen in any other stores, which makes them super convenient when you need to shop for elusive items or at weird hours.

  • Paul Graham

    Paul Graham


    Helpful staff; great prices; wide range of items.

  • Brian K Wolbert

    Brian K Wolbert


    My wife and I love the people! Kind and helpful, friendly and sincere. Also the Soup and rotis! Gotta love the soup and rotis! Yeah sog:)

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