Patrick's Local Homestyle Restaurant i Saint George's

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Lagoon Road, Saint George's, GD Granada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-0364
Latitude: 12.042226, Longitude: -61.749974
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Kommentar 5

  • Ismail OBAID

    Ismail OBAID


    Make sure this gem is not missed.... Authentic Grenadian recipes made from scratch and cooked to consistent perfection. I had the best Oildown, Callaloo soup, tapas and Nutmeg icecream of my life. A trip to Grenada is never complete without a dinner here.... Thank you dear ladies ..... -Ismail.

  • Tushar Jain

    Tushar Jain


    Nice and Cosy Restaurant. Food is really good with exclusive options for vegan and vegetarian food. Neat, clean and well maintained. Vegan Tapas is a bit hyped up dish and not worth the price. Have exclusive kids menu as well. Milton is really friendly and ready to help on the menu with a smile. Found the prices on the higher side. There was a bit of a mosquito problem also in the evening, but overall a pleasant experience.

  • Miriam Cirella

    Miriam Cirella


    Seguendo il loro consiglio abbiamo ordinato il menú tapas. Che diré!?! Assolutamente 👎 Ah per concludere il tutto...nessun dessert disponibile. Sorry but...never again!

  • Kelsey Mitchell

    Kelsey Mitchell


    Great way to taste local foods. The chef is so friendly. Service is a little slow but you've got to visit when in Grenada! You can even catch the bus there!

  • Anna Lederer

    Anna Lederer


    My husband and I were the only ones there as the season was not in full swing. A very simple place in someone's home. Many different dishes tapas style. Some were better than others and I felt that it was not as authentic as it should be! I am from Trinidad so I am familiar with the local food which is similar to ours. It caters to tourists who believe they are getting authentic local food!

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