Nutmeg i Saint George's

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St George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-440-3654
Latitude: 12.0509057, Longitude: -61.7513498
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Kommentar 5

  • Luis Anibal Vasquez

    Luis Anibal Vasquez


    Worst food and service ever. I wouldn't even feed their meat to the dogs. Everything was tasteless and poorly served. Stay away from this dump.

  • Kevin Charles

    Kevin Charles


    Great place for good local cuisines and an amazing view of the Care age.

  • Maiesha Thomas

    Maiesha Thomas


    Come for the roti, stay for the view. From the chicken to the vegetable, the roti here is delicious. The rum punch is great and the juices are sweet. But the view, the view is beautiful. And you'll have plenty of time looking at it because service is slow.

  • StuckonStyrene



    Very good customer service was provided to me via a nice young man. It seemed like he cared that I was being taken care of. Great prices, pleasing environment, clean and tidy. Almost in the heart of Grenada, and that's what they have...Heart.

  • Joe Wolf

    Joe Wolf


    The food here was very good and definitely worth stopping in if you're in St. George's. Its located on the Carenage so both the view and the breeze is really nice. It wasn't very busy when we were in there and our server was still pretty slow but all in all it was really good lunch. We will definitely be stopping in again.

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