Deyna's City Inn i Saint George's

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Melville Street, Saint George's, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-435-7007
Latitude: 12.0532364, Longitude: -61.7547217
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Kommentar 5

  • ochenna osa

    ochenna osa


    This Inn is in the city area close to everything, great for backpackers. It is a place to stay for 1 night the most 2. You are in the heart of everything and many historical site close by all in walking distance. The food is good but couldn't eat the same thing every day. Keep in mind most places closes early in the city. Happy Holidaying.

  • Remi Hypolite

    Remi Hypolite


    Just had the food which was good. Not a great atmosphere

  • Craig Love

    Craig Love


    Warm and loving people. Great customer service.

  • donte Mcgillivary

    donte Mcgillivary


    My experience was very good.

  • Denise Miller

    Denise Miller


    I highly suggest this hotel accommodations because it is very clean and the food is delicious. The staff is very friendly and will assist to make you happy. Perfect location in town near the bus terminal to get you where you need to go and not far from the airport. Enjoyed my stay during the carnival season and will stay again in the future.

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