Cosy Corner Apartment i Saint George's

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Independence Avenue, Saint George's, GD Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-409-1580
Latitude: 12.0560674, Longitude: -61.7438663
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Kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Baker

    Benjamin Baker


  • Siddharth Wahi

    Siddharth Wahi


    Mrs. Angela Radix is a Super host. I stayed at one of her apartments on my 3 month long Caribbean islands tour and was glad I did. It was a Jewel in the crown of my Caribbean island tour. Extremely safe, opposite prime minister's house. Great views. The self sufficient independent unit in her house had a separate entrance, a small kitchen, sitting area, bathroom and bedroom. Air conditioning was super!. Laundry, TV, Internet, Fridge, utensils even some snacks and travel magazines! fully self sufficient. Value for money. A bit of a trek to the nearest public transportation and a little ways to downtown / marina but enjoyed every bit of it. Met lot's of friendly locals who went out of their way to treat me to the National dish "Oil Down" and so many random acts of kindness that I was blown away by the islands hospitality. I had such an amazing time. Host did provide free pickup and stopover for Groceries from downtown on day 1 and a departure drop off for a small fee. I highly recommend this place for people who don't mind staying away from a luxury resort so that they're able to experience the real culture of Grenada in a cozy environment. A must stay for individuals and small families. Thanks Again Angela you're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you again sometime in the future.

  • Harijs Zulgis

    Harijs Zulgis


    A cosy place indeed

  • Yoga Nook

    Yoga Nook


    This was a great little spot and our host was so accomodating. She picked us up at the marina and drove us to the airport (for a small charge). It is tucked away on the hill and is a bit of a trek to the bus stop and/or into downtown St George. Other than that, we enjoyed our one-night stay.

  • Michelle Fortune

    Michelle Fortune


    Nice quiet place if this is what you are looking for in grenada, close to town but laundry service if you want you must pay extra😣

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