Coconut Beach i St.George's

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Grand Anse Beach, St.George's, Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-4644
Latitude: 12.029391, Longitude: -61.754953
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Kommentar 5

  • Ameya Bhakay

    Ameya Bhakay


    On a nice sunny day, in the month of May, we decided to hang out by the bay, with some Caribs coming our way! Service at this place is really good, but I can't say the same thing about how their food is priced or even how their food is. It's definitely a nice place to hang out for a few hours, but I'd only recommend it for drinks. Like I said, food wasn't that great!

  • Maya Wardally

    Maya Wardally


    Good vibes good food bohemian atmosphere what more can you ask for




    Loveley location and nicely arranged seating on the beach. Reasonable selection of fishes and reasonable prices. They even provided insect repellent on request. We had a great night. SY Twenty Twenty

  • D W

    D W


    Awful just awful I vomited from the stale food totally ruined my holiday I was sick for the whole duration due to this rat infested shack. And on top of all that such rude nasty staff more interested in picking their nails and sneezing 🤧 and what dirty looks they give you. People stay away otherwise buy insurance because you will fall ill if you eat the high priced food. Stay away!!!!

  • Tonya Duncan

    Tonya Duncan


    Yummy food! Enjoy the breadfruit pie and their fish dishes. Casual, relaxed setting right on Grand Anse Beach. Great sunset views. Ask for Pat, the owner, and she'll take care of you.

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