Allamanda Beach Resort i Saint George's

Åben kort
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Morne Rouge Grand Anse, St George's ., Grenada
Kontakter telefon: +1 473-444-0095
Latitude: 12.024062, Longitude: -61.760493
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Kommentar 5

  • Dara Ehteshamzadeh

    Dara Ehteshamzadeh


    Great view of the beach. Friendly service. Close to the airport. Restaurant with poolside service. The owners of the on site boat rentals were very friendly and knowledgeable. The owners are wonderfully welcoming to their guests. I'd never stay anywhere else in Grenada.

  • Tyrell Harewood

    Tyrell Harewood


    Average hotel. Convenient (on the beach). The rooms are mediocre. But the surroundings are very nice

  • Toni Scott

    Toni Scott


    Location great, nice tropical gardens leading directly onto Grand Anse beach. Good customer service from staff. The property is in great need of refurbishment. No restaurant operational for a significant time. But other eateries nearby so not a problem.

  • Mark Deason

    Mark Deason


    Nice ocean view. Room was comfortable and clean. Staff very friendly and helpful. Convenient restaurant and beach activities. Hobie Cat rental and "fly boarding" on site. Only slight complaint when toilet clogged, front desk handed me a plunger rather than taking care of it, which worked out fine in the end. Be sure to read and follow posted toilet instructions.

  • Paloma Somohano

    Paloma Somohano


    The hotel is very well located. It has access to a very beautiful and clean beach. Also, it has access to a shopping center with a groceries store - very convenient. The hotel was cleaned staff was incredibly friendly and helpful. The only downside is that the room had a smell - probably had been shut for a while. I left windows open during the time I was there so the ventilation could disseminate the smell. No big deal. Great value for money, especially because of its location. Very recommended.

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